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Our products


Adhesive materials dor many applications like clear white glue dor wood (mdf) ,(hdf) cardboard ,paper ,formica , parquet ,muffled ,feft fiber,sponge ,artificial leather , piper , hotpressed .


Copolymer :

Adhesive mater ials ( pohymerization admore tham one species ad momomers is called copolymer ) such a polymeri sation reaction is called copolymeri sation copolymers are addifferent types and different proeosser adpolymeri sation butadiene styrene copolymer nitrile rubber ,styrene isoprene.


Styrene acrylic :

Adhesive materials used primarily in industrial additives to adhesives, binders ,comcrete mix tures , coating mix tures, salt stability, water resistance.


Polyester resin :

Unsaturated polyesters are condensation polymers formed by the  readtion polyhydric alcohols, organic compounds with multiple alcohol or hydroxyl functional grups with un saturated dibasic asids .

Used in glass fiber , molding , spray up molding flatroofs , pipes , storage tanks , marine aero space and automotive industries.

Building materials:

Concrete admixture we produce all types of admixture A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H AND GROUTS  ,WATERPROOF , ADHESIVES , FLOORING SEALANTS

schonex chem

(The company began manufacturing concrete additives from materials that accelerate the setting time or delay the setting time, as well as adding hardness to the cement, as well as reducing the water addition rate, as shown in the following PDF)

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